Objective - Provide players with a snapshot analysis of where their game is at and give you informative feedback to start improving your game right now! This system is built to work with what your coaches philosophy is and provide you insights on how you can be more dynamic in the game. Also, will guide you through th IQGame system to optimize your decisions and allow you to execute your coaches strategy more consistently. The steps are simple and the process is laid out easily to ensure minimal issues sharing clips but at the end of the day, it’s up to YOU to put the work in.
Step 1 - Collect 5-6 shifts at random and drop them on google drive for analysis
Step 2 - I breakdown and analyze each clip identifying skills to improve on using the principled based learning system, IQGame program and give you the best tactical options for multiple situations to maximize your offensive production
Step 3 - You watch the reviewed clips and open PDF describing main areas to focus on and start to build a solid foundation
Step 4 - Time to work! Practice the skills described in the PDF in practice and off the ice as much as possible. Apply tactical corrections in games to maximize performance
Step 5 - Repeat step 1 every 5 games to maximize development and build your game to the next level!
5 Step Process Application
This system works to develop feedback loops that follow this progression. A feedback loop, simply put, is when you take in information, apply it to a situation, observe the results, make adjustments and repeat until a desired result is reached. Each loop in the diagram represents each session we have and over time you start to build on the foundation laid out which eventually leads to your game skyrocketing!
Excerpt from Ray Dalio - Principles (Amazing Book give it a read!)