BLOG #2 - In-Tight Tactics Pt 2

Building off last series, in part 2 I’ll discuss what shot selection to use when you're below the hashmarks. This would also apply for situations where the goalie doesn’t have his foot on the post or is in an overlap position.

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Where you shoot depends on two things: 1- Where the goalie is positioned. 2- What shot you can execute in the current position you’re in. Going down that rabbit hole is very time consuming and doesn’t yield the best results. This is why I developed the term shot selections. These rule of thumbs free up mental bandwidth for everything else leading up to these moments. Hence the term, "it’s automatic” when a player gets in certain spots on the ice.

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Net Front Shot Selection: When you’re below the hashmarks goalies will be able to see you out of the corner of their eye. In these situations, goalies work to play as big as possible trying to cover as much net as they can. This is because your shots are limited when you’re this tight to the net. This is where the far side opens up.

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Actionable Insights

  1. Get Body Position Net Front

  2. Quick Check Where Goalie is

  3. Quick Far Side Shot

Practice this on and off ice to make these plays automatic in games! Work on one timing pucks to that far side or even a quick catch release. Beat goalies to that far post and force them to make an amazing save versus just shooting one right into him.

This closes out the two part series on how to score more goals in-tight. I’ll continue to bring your more in-sights on a wide range of topics with ACTIONABLE advice to help you score more goals and take your game to the next level!

Thanks for reading!

Mason Baptista1 Comment